
Ten pixels in a row will be set to red. This will look like a short, horizontal, red line on the upper left of the screen.


In computer graphics, a line is made by setting many adjacent pixels to the same color. You could draw a line by using the PSET statement many times. But there is an easier way. To draw a line of pixels all of the same color use the LINE statement:

LINE  (startX, startY)-(endX, endY)

This statement:

Here is a program that does the same as the previous program, except using a LINE statement:

' Setting 10 pixels in row 3
' to color 4 (Red)
LINE (1, 3) - (10, 3) ' draw a line from (1,3) to (16,3)

The program is much shorter than the one that uses PSET. The picture on the graphics screen will look like this (slightly enlarged):



The upper left corner of graphics screen 12 is (x=0, y=0); the lower right corner of the screen is (x=639, y=479). Write a program that draws a red diagonal line from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.